SignASAP is a document signing platform that we designed to be integrated into a suite of marketing applications (AspenAI). This suite is specifically designed for legal advertisers and would suite to streamline the setup and maintenance of marketing campaigns. 

The main issue with using third-party signing platforms is that they cannot be seamlessly integrated into a custom CMS. 
Additionally, legal advertisers send contracts at such a high volume that using third-party signing platforms, who often charge by the contract, can be cost-prohibitive.

Business Goal
We had hard data validating that the rate of contracts signed would increase if qualified users were shown a contract upon completing our webforms. To fully  benefit from this, we would have to create our own signing platform. 
Competitive Analysis
This analysis confirmed to me that none of the signing platforms justified their cost for our use case. Also, none offered the degree of branding customization we wanted. 
On the positive side, we learned the best practices for contract setup and singing user experience.
User Research
Through user interviews and contextual inquiry, I discovered the importance of being able to send contracts via text message.  Although most signing platforms had this feature, the messages were difficult to edit. By adding a feature to set text message templates, we could save our intake staff a significant amount of time.
I also found that each platform had minor usability issues when it came to signing a document on mobile. Two common pain points were the required fields being difficult to find and the mechanism to move from page to page being clunky.
Current concept
Above, we see an Whitney, an organization employee, creating a contract, signing it, placing fields where other people have to sign, then sending it to those people.
On the mobile prototype, we see a recipient of a contract receive the document via text, adopt her signature, then complete the agreement. 
To address the two common mobile issues I discovered in other platforms: I included a clear page navigation section and a large, orange arrow that points to the next field a signer needs to review.
Next steps
Continue development of the AspenAI suite of marketing apps so we can collect SignASAP user data and continue to improve its usability.

Mockup Image by FreePik
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