My employer at the time of this project, Pintas & Mullins, is a legal advertiser. This means they advertise mass tort and personal injury cases to potential legal clients. Legal advertisers frequently reach a point where their marketing generates more leads than they can handle. At this points, many outsource their overflow to third-party intake specialists.
Pain Points
Throughout our many years working with intake service providers, we experienced consistent issues. Call centers that are tailored to legal advertisers were too expensive. And all-purpose call centers needed extensive training for each legal case.
Create an intake service provider that offers industry leading value. With our experience in legal marketing, intake, and legal practice, we were uniquely positioned to start a call center that could become the gold standard in our industry.
Competitive Analysis

This analysis helped our stakeholders think of services that no other legal call center was offering: (1) production of documents (medical authorizations, HIPPA forms, wage loss documentation, etc.) and (2) medical record review.
Additionally, the analysis helped me craft persuasive marketing language.
Logo Development

Stakeholders wanted the brand to feel smart, approachable, Hi-tech, and Elite.
With that in mind, I produced logos that conveyed digital communication as well as cosmic motifs.

After some refinement of the logos, I produced 10 color palettes that evoked the personality of our brand. In a review with stakeholders, the 10 were narrowed down to the four above, and eventually D was selected.
Landing Page

Next Steps
The page and service have not been launched yet. If the service becomes active, next steps would include: (1) interviewing users in our demographic to assess reception of our branding, and (2) reviewing analytics that might help us improve the information architecture of the landing page.