I designed this chair during a study abroad program hosted by the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS).
The course began with a two-week tour of Northern Europe where we traveled to important landmarks of Scandinavian design. Upon returning, each student was randomly assigned a material: hardwood, bent wood, steel rod, or steel tube. I was assigned a steel rod.
We were then given one week to come up with a design for our chair.

I began with 2D sketches. Once I landed on a design I, and the professors, liked, I began 3D sketches. With much help from school technicians, I fabricated the chair in three weeks. I then had it chrome plated by a local specialist.

This photo shows the chair being exhibited with other work from Pratt alumni – past and present – at a show called Third + Bond.
Next Steps
If I were to continue working on this project, I would try to add a seat-back and potentially arm rests. I also might tweak the shape to make the chair stackable. The challenge is adding to the design without completely compromising it's elegant character.